Can I wear glasses for extended periods of time such as watching TV or driving?

Can I wear glasses for extended periods of time such as watching TV or driving?

Tony Brooks

Can I wear glasses for extended periods of time such as watching TV or driving? 

Eyeglasses will not make your uncorrected vision better or worse. They only correct your vision when worn. So the answer is YES!


What causes eye strain or eye fatigue? 

Any activity that requires intense use of the eyes for a prolonged period of time (or in challenging weather conditions) can cause eye strain. These include extended periods of:



Computer work


Exposure to bright light or straining to see in conditions of low light (e.g. driving at sunset) can also cause eye strain 

One of the most common causes of eye strain is staring for long periods at digital devices such as:

 Computer screens


Video games

Computer vision syndrome, or CVS is a type of eye strain from long periods of time using computer or laptop screens.

 We recommend that you do not stare for prolonged periods at digital devices or computer screens without taking a break. For example use the 20-20-20 rule, where every 20 minutes, you look away from your computer for 20 seconds at something 20 feet (about 6-7 metres) away.


If you have any questions, or would like more information, please contact us at 

The author is the founder of Southern Seas Glasses. The views expressed above are entirely those of the author and do not in any way constitute medical or professional advice.


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